Payment Policies

Payments for non-credit courses are due in full upon registration. RVCC does not send paper bills. Upon registration you are enrolled unless otherwise notified. Students must check their Student Information System (SIS) for their bills. Payment and/or payment arrangements must in place two weeks prior to the first day of classes, or registration will be voided and classes deleted.

My FACTS Tuition Payment Plan

In an effort to keep college affordable for students, the college has partnered with the FACTS Tuition Management a monthly payment plan. FACTS is not a loan program, there are no interest or finance charges. These plans are managed by FACTS and not the college.

Deferred Payment Based on Third Party Guarantee

A letter guaranteeing payment (which includes a statement that payment is not contingent upon grade or completion) from a recognized business, organization or institution shall be on file, on official letterhead. If a student must obtain a predetermined grade in order to be reimbursed by the guaranteeing organization, the student shall be required to pre-pay the course. Mid-semester third party contract must be paid in full. If payment has not been made, a financial hold shall be placed on the student account. The student is not eligible to receive transcripts, grade reports, certificates, diplomas and degrees. The student may not register for future terms, until payment is made, unless the student has a documented exception form from the president.